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All posts tagged Social Media

Instagram brand colors with How to Leverage Instagram Stories for Business in white text

How To Leverage Instagram Stories for Business

The latest buzz around the social media sphere this week is Instagram’s blatant adoption of Snapchat’s integral MyStory feature.

By bringing in the ephemeral, steady stream of user’s day to day activities, Instagram has officially integrated its high-end picture posting platform with the casual, frequent picture posting of Snapchat.  Learning how to leverage Instagram Stories for business just may be your most valuable opportunity to gain a competitive advantage over the competition.

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An image of the Google search bar with increase search engine rankings

Increase Search Engine Rankings

If you’re looking to increase search rankings for your business but don’t have a huge budget, start with the basics. There are many easy and free or low-cost techniques to begin building a more visible brand online which can have a significant impact on search engine rankings. Here are just a few that can be done internally, quickly and with little to no financial commitment.

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5 Marketing Stats You Should Know

The dream team presents five eye-opening statistics to help our readers make more informed marketing decisions in 2015.  Here are 5 marketing stats you should know!

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People on electronic devices using social media & online reviews

Social Media & Online Reviews = People Power

A Nielsen Study reported 92% of consumers trust recommendations from family and friends over all other advertising.  

The power of a personal referral or testimonial can be a crucial factor when someone is making a purchasing decision.  So how do you get your clients telling the world how amazing your products, services or expertise are?  Social media for business is the first place to start.

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Picture frame with mailbox on green background for mastering the art of direct mail marketing

Mastering The Art of Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing and the art of attracting your audience.

While social media and SEO dominate the marketplace for techniques to build your brand, don’t neglect or abandon your offline audience who still pine for paper!  A personalized postcard full of (tangible) money-saving coupons is still one of the most effective ways to brand.  So what factors are most important when planning and executing a direct mail marketing campaign?

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Presidential Promotions From 2012

How Do Presidential Promotions Effect the Polls?  With the election behind us, we thought it would be a great time to analyze what promotions may have influenced our voting decision.

From heated debates on job creation and taxation, each Presidential candidate in 2012 had a clear strategy to reach those most likely to vote for their party.  Presidential promotions and personalized products were prevalent through each campaign.  This was also the first election in which social media played a pivotal role in their promotions.  What issues evoked the most emotion from you?  How was the message reinforced by their advertising?  What medium was your decision influenced by?  Take a look at the list below to see the many ways each candidate used to reinforce their corporate identity:

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Social Media Marketing for Business

dream ink Interviewed for Social Media Marketing Article

Advantages Magazine recently interviewed Jason McSweeney, President of dream ink, regarding social media marketing for business. While the traditional methods of print and promotions have been his focus the past thirteen years, his research and implementation of social media may be the key for business’ not only to reach more than 500 million monthly users, but to interact and provide customer service, problem resolution, and better products and services overall with one application: Facebook.  Here is an excerpt from the article:

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