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All posts tagged logo design

The word dream in black followed by the word ink in ink in 3d

dream ink Launches New 3D Logo Design

dream ink launches new 3D logo design!

The dream team has done it again.  The evolution of the dream ink logo continues as we give it the 3D treatment!  We have always kept a “similar” look to the logo over the years, finding a fitting process to improve it every few years.  We also created other versions we will debut later in the year; just “think ink!”  Thanks to advancements in print technology, printing a full color 3D logo is quick and affordable.  Since most businesses are moving to the web with their marketing budgets, a 3D logo design is a great way to stand out from the competition.

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dream ink Featured In Advantages Magazine

dream ink featured in Advantages Magazine!

dream ink was interviewed for Advantages Magazine “Fabulous Fundraisers” article in the June 2010 issue for our work with the non-profit organization Filter Pure.  We have worked with Filter Pure to create a quality brand image to procure donors in their mission providing long-life filters to those without access to clean water.  This included logo design services and general marketing materials for the non-profit.

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