What’s your favorite color?
It’s not necessarily the color I’m after– it’s your reason. We, as a society, are obsessed with color. According to the handy infographic below, color determines up to 90% of people’s initial judgment on an item, and 80% of consumers say that color increases brand recognition.
Making good use of color is clearly crucial for a company. But this information isn’t actually that useful until you know how to make it actionable – so let’s look at the primary ways color impacts your branding, marketing, and corporate culture.
How Colors Influence Buying Behavior
Color definitely makes its influence felt in branding. In an era of often wordless logo design, color and shape have to carry the burden of making your company or product recognizable at first glance. Just think of Microsoft’s four squares in red, green, blue and yellow, or of the McDonald’s Golden Arches – our impression of the McDonald’s brand wouldn’t be the same without the bright red and yellow color theme. Think about what colors you want to symbolize the ethos of your brand – perhaps green for life and vitality, purple for luxury, white for purity and novelty. Colors demonstrably affect customer reactions, so put some thought into it, and if you’re having a company logo designed, consider getting some people from your target demographic to take a look at the colors before everything is finalized.
Companies agree; 92% feel that color affects the perception of brand quality, and 90% believe that it helps to attract fresh customers.
Color influences your corporate culture. If your office is stereotypically painted in beige and other dull colors, you’re wasting an opportunity to try out some striking accent colors, or to match the colors of your office to your brand colors. A beige office is automatically associated with boredom and lack of innovation. You don’t have to paint the office like a fun fair, but a few splashes of color can definitely liven the place up a bit. This applies to your website as well– be neither boring nor foolish with your color choices, be daring. It’s an easy way to make your website stick in the minds of visitors and to give yourself a modern look.
See the Psychology of Color infographic below by firstsiteguide.com for more data on how colors influence buying behavior or contact us to tell us your favorite color.
Psychology of Color – Infographic was created by FirstSiteGuide Team.