Maximize ROI by optimizing your mailing list!
We left off promising to increase response rates with your direct mailings which can be done several ways. Utilizing an optimized mailing list with effective design, incentives and follow up can make the difference between a wasted opportunity and new client. Here are a few of the most effective:
Purchase an optimized mailing list targeting a specific audience most likely to purchase your product or service
Jim’s Rocking Chairs can find “new or expectant parents” within x amount of miles from his store for relatively low cost; a little creative thinking will qualify those leads by income level and gender to design mailing pieces directed at those most likely to be holding the wallet at that time!
A study by Baylor University showed that incorporating a promotional product can increase response rates as much as 75%
The free gift being sent is really the trojan horse of advertising; it should have your company logo and be functional with a high perceived value to supply hundreds of exposures to your brand in their home, office or car.
BTW- receivers of a promotional product are 62% more likely to do business with an advertiser! Source: Advertising Specialty Institute
Ask website visitors to sign up for your “opt-in” e-mail list
These provide the best response rates as users have already expressed an interest in your product or service. Now your goal should be to create compelling content that will draw more unique and repeat visitors to the home/sign up page.
Follow up with a phone call
Some of us still enjoy hearing a human voice pitch a product or service. If they received a postcard and e-mail advertisement followed by your friendly voice, it may be just enough brand recognition and perfect timing to get in the door. (Have your elevator pitch ready.)